Persona 3 Reload

yay first review! i just finished this game like 2 days ago and watched a youtube video comparing the original to reload and have seen extensive opinions from persona 3 fans on twitter so. i’m ready to unleash my own opinions. to preface i want to say i don’t think reload is like… a failure of a game. i can’t say i have crazy attachment to any older version of p3 because well. i played p3p for the first time just a few months ago. so maybe that reduces how mad i feel about certain decisions they made in reload. but overall even though everyone on persona twitter seems to think reload is the worst thing to happen to the persona 3 series, i think it’s actually… pretty good.

The Bad: Visuals

i’m gonna start with what i didn’t like about the game, because i think it’s better to end on a good note and enough bullshit has been said about reload at this point, so let’s just get it out of the way. the list is definitely extensive though, and one i feel strongly about. first off: the visuals. everyone and their mother has said this but reload suffers from a very severe case of persona 5ification. pretty tragic, honestly. persona 5 is an extremely beautifully crafted game that showcased atlus’ upgraded technology in terms of ui, animation, and environments. persona 3 reload… also does all that. it’s clear that they’ve improved a lot in all of these aspects, especially the 3d animation, which i’ll talk about later. unfortunately, despite their technological improvements, i think they failed to stay truthful to the atmosphere of the original game. supposedly this was done on purpose to appeal the game to a wider audience, but i think it does it a huge disservice. the environmental shading/color grading in reload is just… not good. even though it may technically look better, the atmosphere of persona 3 fes is just so phenomenal in its use of color and lighting. the same cannot be said about persona 3 reload. i at first thought my issues were with the ui of the game being too … “modern” and “sleek.” some part of that still might be true. but honestly i think the ui is one of the best parts of the game. the real issue is how they’ve chosen to color and light the environments, especially tartarus and the dark hour. tartarus is no longer as foreboding or creepy as it was in those shitty 2000s graphics, neither is the dark hour. another victim of this visual nerf is nyx avatar, probably the most egregious one. nyx avatar is supposed to be a horrific, fucked up version of the friend we shared a body with for 10 years. the manifestation of death itself, in the form of my soul bonded best friend. and yet, it just… isn’t scary? nyx avatar’s face in p3p genuinely haunted me if i stared at it too long. the sunken eyes and creepy smile really did it for me. on the other hand, reload’s nyx avatar just… didn’t have the same oomph. i wasn’t as horrified as i felt i should’ve been in that moment. the nyx avatar fight in general suffers the most from lighting/visuals nerf i think. the atmosphere is just gone. everything is much brighter and doesn’t have the grittiness of the older p3 games, which apparently was the goal. it’s just not a decision i agree with personally. on the topic of visuals, let’s talk character portraits and models. this is where the persona 5ification is at its worst. i can’t really shit talk shigenori soejima’s art style because there was a point in time when he was my main art inspiration and i tried to emulate his art. he is a phenomenal artist. but his technical capabilities honestly have nothing on the pure expressiveness of the portraits in the old persona 3 games. they were just… so cute. honestly. fuuka’s ??? expression, aki’s angry portrait, shinji’s smiling portrait and his distressed portrait… they were all done so well and gave everyone so much character. arguably the reload portraits are in a “better,” more technically advanced art style, and sure they’re beautiful, but they also feel… stale. i think a big problem with persona 5 and p3 reload portraits is how stiff they feel. the most expressive characters are the dude bros ryuji and junpei and even then you can’t really compare them to junpei’s old freakout portraits. i think the new persona style suffers a lot from well. same face syndrome. obviously because it’s an anime style and those styles just don’t lend themselves well to diversity in facial features or face shapes or… anything really. but that doesn’t seem like something that’s going to change any time soon so. not much to say other than that i don’t really like it.

they nerfed my girl 💔


i’m going to try to keep this short because unfortunately i think this is one of the game’s biggest failings, specifically when it comes to the third year trio. i don’t really have opinions on the characterization of anyone else(besides ken)because… i just don’t care about them as much. LOL. let’s tackle mitsuru first: shinji’s linked episode is great and all but it does a huge disservice to the third years’ overall dynamic and mitsuru as a character. mitsuru and shinji are characters that are both defined by grief and guilt, and the way they deal with those feelings is by isolating themselves. they both understand this of each other and respect each other’s business. i like these two a lot, all the unspoken shit between them and how you can tell they have a lot of respect for each other. this is the thing they share that aki isn’t a part of, and i think they have a lot of potential to expand on this. unfortunately, this is completely blown apart by shinji’s linked episode in reload. i think mitsuru wishing for shinji to re-enroll in school isn’t bad, in fact i think she genuinely does want him to return, even if it wasn’t to fulfill that promise they made. but the way the game has her go about asking him to return is the issue. mitsuru is insistent that he return, badgering him about it, getting makoto to nag him about it, too… it all feels extremely out of character. mitsuru mentions in the linked episode that she considers what happened to shinji and ken to be her fault, that if she hadn’t asked him to join sees it never would’ve happened, and this is a core part of mitsuru’s character. her guilt surrounding the formation of sees is something she struggles with the entire game. it prevents her from reaching out to the rest of sees and forming genuine connections with them. shinji even comments on the fact that she seems to have forgone the lone wolf attitude, which i don’t even think is all that true by september but whatever. the point is, mitsuru’s guilt prevents her from doing exactly what she does in shinji’s linked episode: badgering shinji to come back. i also think even regardless of that guilt she wouldn’t be so insistent in that way. like i said before, they have a mutual respect for each other, and i think mitsuru being so insistent on shinji coming back betrays that. it’s also strange how they flip the third years’ dynamic so mitsuru is the one chasing shinji instead of aki, who is awkwardly on the sidelines throughout the entire linked episode for some comedic relief and one absolutely devastating line about his relationship with shinji(“sometimes being too close to someone can have its drawbacks” like WHAT!). unfortunately i think mitsuru and shinji have a very delicate relationship that just doesn’t work with the set up of persona 3. it’s a mad rush to get to know him in one month and expand on his relationship w mitsuru in a way that previously hadn’t been done before, so i can understand why it doesn’t work out. it’s just a bit unfortunate.
speaking of aki: oh lord. real aki fans always speak ill of aki but oh man, reload does not do this man justice. i think this is a pretty popular sentiment also. i think reload has dumbed his character down to a very disappointing level. his linked episode fell very flat for me, except for the parts where he talks about miki. i think aki struggling to let go of the past and coming to accept that he was a good big brother to her has always been a good plot point, and i like how they do it in reload too. makoto personally putting the medal on aki was very cute, i won’t lie. but the rest of the linked episode is… aki and makoto beating up a bunch of goons? to prove… what exactly? maybe someone smarter than me can answer that, but i just didn’t really resonate with it. i also was absolutely gobsmacked in the final episode when aki implied that he wanted to become … a COP? and then alluded to his future in persona 4 arena. i don’t really have much else to say other than i think they made him… boring. i think aki is a good character, and i like him, but somehow i like him less than i did when i played p3p. i think what disappoints me the most about p3r is that it expands so beautifully on ken’s character and by proxy his relationship with shinji but fails to do so in any meaningful way for aki. even despite the fact that after oct 4th aki and ken become a sort of duo in dealing with their grief, aki’s development just falls flat in the face of his best friend’s death.
and now i have to take a deep breath cus it’s shinji’s turn. i am going to preface this by saying shinjiro aragaki is possibly my favorite persona character of all time and i will gladly eat up any content they give us of him since it’s so sparse as he also happens to be the only character that fucking dies a month after you meet him. i love what reload has done for shinji’s character and i genuinely think it’s one of the best versions of him, but i had one really glaring issue with his linked episode. and that’s the… strangeness of his relationship with makoto. it’s no secret that shinji doesn’t like makoto all that much. i think the linked episode tries too hard to make it seem like he does like makoto, at least to an extent. aki even says “i think shinji really trusts you,” which… sure. he can do that. but the last episode of his linked episode irks me the most. when he tells makoto, “hey, i am actively dying. don’t tell anyone though!” it’s just so incredibly out of character to me. shinji is not someone who burdens others with his problems, especially when there’s no solution to those problems. that is not something he told aki, or mitsuru, or even kotone in p3p. it could be argued that he couldn’t tell those people because he was too close to them, that they would make more trouble over him than he thought it was worth, but then… why makoto? it’s just a strange situation. one moment aki is claiming shinji trusts makoto a lot, and then you talk to shinji in the lounge and he tells you to fuck off and spend time with someone else. it’s just kind of confusing. i guess they assumed people wouldn’t play through shinji’s linked episode, which is fine, but i wish they’d accounted for the fact that a lot of people would. i think the effects of the suppressants could’ve been alluded to in a lot of different ways, i think p3p’s social link with him does it best. we already know from that one cutscene that there are some awful side effects to the persona suppressants we don’t know about, but p3p’s moon social link does a great job of 1) showing those side effects and 2) creating a sense of foreboding that shinji didn’t have a lot of time left. not once does shinji tell kotone that the drugs will kill him, because he just wouldn’t. but we know, as we play through the social link, that shinji doesn’t have a lot of time left. it’s just more characteristic of how i think shinji would act in the few weeks before his death. and sure, there’s a lot of alluding to how shinji is going to die, like his reluctance to respond to mitsuru’s insistence, and i can see how that could culminate in him telling someone, anyone, that he can’t keep that promise. but i already talked about all the issues with that.


ok awesome that was not short at all! here’s something i can talk about a little less: theurgies. they’ve made a lot of improvements to the gameplay of persona 3, but i don’t really know if theurgy is one of them. this is one of the most blatant side effects of the persona 5ification of persona 3. it’s all very reminiscent of showtimes. this isn’t to say the shift mechanic is bad too just because it’s like baton pass, by the way, i think it was sorely needed. theurgies are a whole different issue because unlike the phantom thieves, who are teenaged magical girls stealing hearts, sees is a group of teenagers struggling to cope with grief. despite the fact that they have a robot and a dog on the team, they’re all very… normal. that’s kind of the point of the game even? so for everyone to have a super move/limit break like they’re fantasy characters(which, to be fair, they are in a sense)it just kind of breaks the immersion. even ignoring that, i flat out think theurgies make the game too easy. it’s well known in the persona community that they have crazily nerfed the difficulty of these games to the point that it’s not a challenge at all anymore, which is fine. but even without theurgies, reload would be easier than the originals. i just fail to see how they’re necessary. gatekeepers that i’d had so many issues with in p3p became afterthoughts in the face of four theurgies that i had saved up for the past 5 floors. just a little less… gratifying gameplay, but i guess it doesn’t really matter if you play on a higher difficulty, so whatever. another gameplay aspect i have issues with is the reaper, as in he is way too easy in this game. i typically would not have even attempted the reaper in a first time playthrough because i knew i wouldn’t be able to. i usually grind the reaper in my ng+ runs to get to lvl 99. i reached lvl 82 naturally in reload(by choosing the exp boost cards every time)and then defeated the reaper twice for an easy 800k exp and shot up to lvl 94. theurgies are also the main reason this fight is so much easier. #kenmygoat

Social Links

ok this last one isn’t really a persona 3 reload issue, it’s a persona series issue. i understand that to a certain extent our protag is supposed to be some cool suave gigachad girl magnet. i mean charm is literally a core mechanic of the game. but oh my god does every girl falling in love with makoto drive me crazy. it just totally ruined the social links for me. like is this really necessary??? by rank 7 every girl is saying something along the lines of “what is this feeling when i’m with you…?” girl don’t ask me. the stupid romance subplot with all the girls, including the fucking elementary schooler and your homeroom teacher, just make all these social links feel so shallow. yukari and mitsuru have great social links and character arcs that have nothing to do with them being in love with makoto until suddenly they,,, are? to me, yukari’s rooftop confession felt like it came out of nowhere(although to be fair i wasn’t really looking out for any possible romantic subplot with these two), and let’s be entirely honest what reason does Mitsuru Kirijo have to like makoto yuki of all people. i also just have real issues with some of the social links in this game, specifically magician and moon. yeah, sorry, but i don’t really know what i gain from either of these confidants. it’s very clear makoto doesn’t like either of them, to a hilarious extent. i’m not saying every social link has to make sense with the overarching theme of the game either. i thought chariot/rio in p3p was super cute. they just… annoy me. stupid plot point, no drive, not even makoto fucks with these guys, and at the end we have to try and sympathize with them. just. ugh.

The Good: Visuals(UI)

now i can start talking about the good stuff cus there’s a lot to say! i know i shat all over the persona 5ification of this game earlier but the UI in this game is just so phenomenally well done it makes me a little sick. UI design is definitely one of atlus’ greatest strengths, especially in recent years. their UI design department is doing some genuinely nutty stuff right now, and reload is one of the best examples of that. the menu UI is just…. so good. i love the incorporation of underwater elements in the UI, it fits the theme and setting of this game so well. each menu option having a different 3d asset of makoto is also just so… good. the stats menu is my favorite, with makoto holding everyone in his hand as you scroll through. it’s just incredibly beautiful. i like the walking silhouette of him that shows up when you buy stuff too. it’s just so well done! i like the cleanliness of it in comparison to p5 that fits the vibe and setting of this game. very good choices were made. i love you atlus UI department


now this is actually what i think p3r does best. personally i think a remake should first and foremost enhance the experience of playing a game, and reload absolutely accomplishes that with its new shiny 2d and 3d animation. honestly, i think the 3d animation was the best part of the game. they have improved like crazy even since p5r, the 3d animation is so smooth and honestly quite expressive, especially in scenes like chidori or shinji’s deaths. the 3d animation of such important scenes like those and the ending scene lends so well to amplifying their emotional impact. i honestly think the ending scene was one of the most beautifully well done scenes i have ever seen in a game. being able to see, with my own two eyes, makoto wiping away aigis’ tears. wow. fuck you guys! and even small stuff like when everyone runs onto the roof and junpei does… some vague gesture that i don’t understand but it’s just so Him. there’s a lot of attention to detail in these new cutscenes that wasn’t possible before, and they make these scenes feel that much more impactful. my personal favorite is koromaru in shinji’s death scene. koro nudging at shinji’s hand, shinji resting his hand on koro’s head as some kind of reassurance, koro howling at the moon to close off the scene. actually just phenomenal. scenes like this were previously only possible in the movies, which i think are really good, but it’s just different to see them in the game. i think these little details also just go to show how much the p3r development team loves these characters. we can say what we want about this game, but it is so clear that the dev team genuinely cares about these characters and wants to express them and their relationships as best as possible, even in the little things.

Character Expansion

this kind of ties into the previous point, but this is also one of the best parts about reload by far. the expansions on specifically strega, ryoji, ken, and shinji were the best to me. sorry but i didn’t play through junpei’s linked episode so i can’t comment on that. LOL. i’ll start with the one that i felt was the most necessary: strega. there were definite issues with the pacing of the original p3 story and strega’s motivations as the main antagonists for a large portion of the game, and i think reload fixes all of those. all the scenes they added of strega discussing their plans and motivations together, and even having makoto and takaya meet to genuinely connect with each other and understand each others’ perspective. these all add up to make the reveal of strega being the leftovers of kirijo experimentation and their desperation to protect the dark hour feel more… fulfilling? in a sense? it just ties their character arcs together better and i think is a great way to explain their motivations for everything, especially jin and takaya. also takaya’s theurgy reveal was crazy but i just used fuuka’s theurgy to fix it… but i think they were good genuinely challenging bosses!
ryoji i think also suffered from a lack of expansion in the original because we just… don’t get to connect with him in any genuine way. i like the idea of thanatos learning to be human by living with makoto for 10 years, then coming back in a human form to connect with humans even more and learn about them. the original does everything possible to humanize ryoji, except let us genuinely talk to him, which is what reload succeeds in doing. i love that his linked episode delves into his feelings for makoto. i was surprised that they would be so blatant about it, but honestly being soul bonded like that i think it was inevitable. it was very beautiful, and also very melancholic in a sense. ryoji and makoto truly share an indescribable bond, and i think this linked episode did its best in portraying that relationship. the music box is a phenomenal last gift, something so nostalgic and a little sad. it also made the final conversation with him on 12/31 hit that much harder. “i came back as ryoji mochizuki because i wanted to see you” is a crazy ass line that i will never forget because WHAT! i like ryoji’s insistence that you kill him, if only to keep you from hurting. he hates that his existence has caused his loved ones so much pain, but he only exists because makoto held him in his body for so long. i love this fucked up weird relationship they have. also an amazing touch was getting to speak to him directly during the nyx avatar fight. “let’s go, ryoji”? are you serious? should we just all kill ourselves? and the last message he sends you? i love stuff like that. soul bonded throughout life and death. extremely awesome.
ken i think is interesting because he does get somewhat of a character expansion in p3p in his social link with kotone, but that link just didn’t really resonate with me like his linked episode with makoto did. ironically it might be for the same reason that i greatly prefer the girl’s social links with kotone over makoto, not to mention the creepy aspect of the ken social link, but whatever. ken unexpectedly became one of my favorite persona 3 characters, largely in part because of this linked episode and the way he’s written in general in reload. his character growth is just so phenomenal, starting out by turning down a classmate’s request to join a club or some other mundane thing because he genuinely thought that wasn’t something that could be part of his life anymore. his intentions at the moment in his life had solely been to get revenge for his mom then join her in the afterlife. it’s really hard to watch someone as young as him have so little… motivation for life. his development post october 4th is so so good, even without the added benefit of his absolutely cracked second theurgy. shinji only wanted ken to be able to live life like a normal elementary schooler, he reiterates this constantly and it’s the main reason he comes back to sees in the first place. shinji’s sacrifice allowed ken to grow past his fucked up mindset, to really sit down and think “what do i want with my life? what do i do with this second chance that cost someone his life?” it’s incredibly heartwarming to see such a young kid find the joy in life again, to start thinking about the future, to have a goal to work towards. in the last part of his linked episode he wonders what everyone will look like in the future, and that he can’t wait to see. now the future is something that ken actively hopes to live to see. he understands the sacrifice shinji made for him, and the way he respects shinji’s memory is by living the best life he can. before the final fight against nyx, ken says that he’ll fight with everything he has, not for revenge, but to live. for his mom, aragaki-san, and himself. it’s genuinely beautiful. i love this kid so much!!!
ok. shinji time. what do i even say. obviously as a shinji fan i’m going to eat up whatever they give me as long as it's not egregiously out of character. and i genuinely, genuinely enjoy the expansions on his character in september. gardening was a very cute activity for shinji to reflect on his past with aki at the orphanage, cooking was also a very cute activity to see shinji in his element and learn more about his past. it’s all just so good. gardening as little kids at the orphanage, working part-time at a restaurant and learning how to cook to fend for himself. these little details that we never got the chance to learn about him because they weren’t relevant to the overarching story. just so good!!! also insanely elevated by justice slocum’s performance. i wasn’t planning on mentioning voice actors in this review but honestly i can’t not talk about justice slocum as shinji because he just gets it So Good. i never disliked shinji’s original english voice, and i like his oafish japanese voice too, but justice slocum just Knows. he just Knows. and i’m going to be a hypocrite right now and say i like his theurgy too. i like that it gets boosted when he’s at low health and i like how tortured and awful he looks in it and i like his all-out attack lines like “their ass is grass. we doing this?” I LOVE SHINJI. i honestly think the little activities act better as methods to get to know shinji than his linked episode. obviously i both like and dislike the linked episode, but i think shinji and makoto work best in quiet settings like gardening or cooking. they both have something to do to keep themselves occupied but it’s also a quiet and private enough setting that shinji feels comfortable talking about himself. these parts mirror kotone’s social link with shinji the most to me. just doing mundane stuff with him. so awesome. it’s also where we see shinji’s core values shine, i think. his whole character is about doing things for other people, obviously, but i like how it manifests in teaching makoto and fuuka how to cook and making sure makoto knows how to properly tend to the plants. everything he does in september is to make sure sees will be fine when he’s gone. you can appeal to him best by choosing the most dependable dialogue option offered. he likes when you say “count on me!” because he knows he can trust you to take care of ken and aki and the rest of sees when he’s gone. everything he does is for other people. it’s kinda why i like him so much. [grin] shinji was already a very well written character in the older p3s, i think reload just did a good job of expanding on the more personal aspects of his character. clearly i enjoyed them. everything else was good too.


tartarus is no longer as grindy and awful! p3p tartarus was genuinely… unpleasant to do, i won’t even lie. it was boring, and not fulfilling at all. a lot of people miss the tired mechanic, but i honestly can’t say i do when in reload i can do an entire floor in one night and focus my attention on social links and stats for the rest of the month. i think the addition of greedy shadows, monad passages, and arcana burst did a good job of making tartarus less boring. it gives you more to focus on, more objectives, and greedy shadows essentially letting you skip entire floors while giving you crazy amounts of exp and treasure was very nice, especially once fuuka gets tartarus search. the addition of more gatekeepers per floor was also a nice touch to make the climb less monotonous. one of the best additions to tartarus in reload is the great clock, personally. i haven’t seen anyone else talk about it but i think it was so useful to keep my team at relatively the same levels. i wanted to form less of a concrete team set up this time because i focused solely on like 4 characters in p3p, and the great clock made that a lot easier. and speaking of team compositions, the balancing of sees was done very well! i was genuinely conflicted on who to bring to the final fight until right before nyx avatar. the way they balanced ken was really good, i think: halving his sp and giving him less healing skills but giving him an insanely op theurgy in the second half of the game and extreme sp benefits for drinking coffee with him. i like the way you would have to balance his sp benefits with charging his theurgy. ken had a permanent spot on my team in p3p because he was just so dynamic as a healer and single target damage dealer, and he still fulfilled those roles in p3r, but you had to work a little more to get there. aki was also a permanent member on my team in p3p because he was just wildly overpowered. he had every stat debuff in the game and his phys stat was so high he was dealing 300 damage to nyx avatar with one normal attack. he was the actual goat of my nyx avatar fight in p3p. in p3r they chill him out a little and change up his moveset a little bit, and honestly i think he becomes one of the more underwhelming characters, but tarunda and his phys skills still proved to be super useful. not leveling yukari after mitsuru joined the fight in p3p was entirely my fault, because i’m sure she was a very good healer, but i had just left the healing to makoto until ken came along. in p3r, yukari is such a wildly overpowered healer i was genuinely conflicted over whether or not i should use her or ken. her sp reduction bonuses from cooking and watching tv with her are absolutely insane, and status effects are used way more in reload than they were in p3p so amrita shower is absolutely necessary. and maybe that’s not like… balancing… but i still think it was a good choice because it makes it harder to choose between her and ken. mitsuru was also a candidate i considered for the final fight because of rakunda and her crazy ass second theurgy, but in the end i unknowingly went with the same exact team i had used in p3p: aigis, aki, and ken. they’ll just get the job done every time. so maybe all that balancing didn’t even mean anything.

Social Links

i honestly didn’t know if p3r could improve on p3p’s social links because i stand by the fact that i think p3p is the best iteration of the game for it’s social links alone. but that’s a whole other topic. but i think a lot of why the social links stood out to me in reload was because i hadn’t experienced them in p3p, mainly star, fortune, and chariot. emperor stood out to me as well because i hadn’t ended up maxing it out in p3p. but the genuinely kind and caring way hayase, keisuke, kaz, and hidetoshi talk about makoto and how he’s helped them was genuinely heartwarming. keisuke says something about becoming a doctor to keep makoto safe, and hidetoshi credits makoto for changing his view on the student council. i liked that how hidetoshi came to the realization that he was being shitty was being confronted by a teacher who suspected that makoto was the culprit behind the cig incident or something. hayase’s endgame letter to makoto was genuinely touching. the voice acting definitely contributed a lot in this segment, which is also one of reload’s greatest strengths. ironically, makoto’s most meaningful social links end up being with the random dudes in his life because there’s no random romance subplot lodged in there for no reason. they all just genuinely care about him. it’s quite nice.

Daily Activities

thank god they added all the extra activities at night. not only do they serve as methods to get closer to sees and learn more about them but my god it just gives you something to do?? i remember playing through december in p3p and genuinely wondering if i was missing something because i had nothing to do. i had maxed all social stats and both night confidants, so i literally had fuckall to do that entire month. i still had maxed social stats and both night confidants by december in p3r, but instead i could spend that time gardening, or drinking coffee with ken, or reading with aigis. it also helped that the activities gave your teammates added perks like sp regen, sp reduction, buff boosts, etc. it gives the impression that hanging out with your friends is genuinely beneficial LOL.


all in all i think p3r did best what a remake is supposed to do, and i think most of the things they added/changed only benefited the experience of playing it. a lot of purse owner fans seem to really dislike this game and its newly released the answer dlc which i haven’t gotten around to watching but i honestly think it deserves a lot of praise regardless of its faults. apparently the dev team for the remake is completely different from the original dev team for p3, so all the characterization issues start to make more sense, but regardless you can tell they really care about the characters and wanted to create an enhanced version of the story for a modern audience. if i had to give it a rating, maybe like. an 8.5/10.
